Installing Debian for n00bs

This post is aimed at people who’ve maybe tried out a couple of Linux distros, and are looking for something to settle on long-term. I’m assuming some basic familiarity with the command line, but no real sysadmin skills. Give Debian a try If you’ve been trying to pick a Linux distro, you’ll be aware that Debian is the grandparent of many of them. It has a reputation as a pro tool: Powerful and highly reliable, but also a bit difficult to approach.
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Mulled wine

When December comes in Germany, mulled wine is everywhere. Every town has its Christmas market, and at each of them, you´ll find several stalls that sell the cheap red plonk with a few spices and lots of sugar. But there´s a cup of mulled wine that is especially dear to my heart. Let me tell you about it. More than twenty years ago, living in Madrid on a student exchange program, I went to visit my friend Sebastian in Bilbao.
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